Hội nghị Vật lý Châu Á-Thái Bình Dương APPC 2019
[ 29/03/2019 00:00 AM | Lượt xem: 1547 ]
17 – 22 November 2019
Borneo Convention Centre
Kuching, Sarawak,

The Institut Fizik Malaysia (Malaysian Institute of Physics) is organizing the 14thAsia-Pacific Physics Conference in November 2019. This is the 14th in the series of APPC organized by the AAPPS together with the divisions of Plasma Physics (DPP), Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravity (DACG) and Division of Nuclear Physics (ANPhA). The Conference is organized in cooperation with various Physics Departments in Malaysia. The scientific objective of the Conference is to provide a forum for interaction involving world-renowned researchers as to stimulate and enhance interest in Physics around the Asia Pacific region.

Scientific Program
In general, APPC2019 programme will cover all areas of physics, under the following broad disciplines:

For Plasma Physics participants please register with the AAPPS-DPP Division.Please note that Sir Chandrasekhar Prize will be awarded in the 14th APPC
A. Astrophysics, cosmology, and gravitation (organized by DACG)
B. Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics
C. Condensed Matter, Semiconductor & Materials Physics
D. Particle Physics
E. Strongly Correlated Electron Systems
F. Optics & Laser
G. Synchrotron Radiation
H. Statistical Physics & Bioinformatics
I. Complex Systems, Mathematical Physics & Computational Physics
J. Biological and Medical Physics
K. Physics Education
L. Magnetism & High Magnetic Field
M. Nuclear physics (organized by DNP)
N. Plasma physics (organized by DPP)
O. Women in Physics

P. Quantum Information
The scientific programme of the Conference consists of plenary talks and parallel sessions of invited and contributed talks. The plenary and invited talks will be devoted to topics on the Frontiers of Physics of current interest. All papers will be reviewed and published in ISI-indexed Conference Proceedings and Journals. Details will be announced shortly.

Call for Contributed Papers
Note: Some divisions may have different timelines
Some deadlines:

Some deadlines:
Feb 8 : Abstract Submission Opens
March 7: Abstract Submission Deadline for 1st Notification(Extended)
April 15: Extended deadline for Abstract Submission Deadline for 1st Notification
May 15: 1st Notification of Abstract Acceptance
May 30 : Abstract Submission Deadline for 2nd Notification
Jun 15 : 2nd Notification of Abstract Acceptance
Jul 15 : Abstract Submission Deadline (Final)
Jul 16 : Post-Deadline Poster Submission Opens
Aug 15 : Notification of Abstract Acceptance (Final)
Sep 15 : Post-Deadline Poster Submission Deadline
Nov 17 : APPC14 starts
Nov 21 : APPC14 ends

Registration Fee

The registration fee will cover conference package that includes tea-breaks and lunch and the conference dinner and daily return transport from designated hotels and conference venue at designated times.
Activities for spouses will be arranged and be announced later.
The registration fee@is:

Local ParticipantForeign Participant^
MYR 1888 USD 500
MYR 1288* USD 350
MYR 750 (Students)^^ USD 250 (Students)^^
@ Early-Bird rates (before July 1st 2019)

* Member of AAPPS member societies (visithttp://www.aapps.org)
Those participants whose abstracts have been accepted and require more time for processing their application from local funding sources will be charged the early-bird rates.

^Due to the unstable financial markets since middle - 2018, the currency of Emerging Markets such as Malaysia have been badly affected. We estimate fluctuation of 10-20% upwards with USD as a possible worst scenario. If anything larger, the LOC will revise these fees after the early-bird deadline.
^^ Student registrants need to purchase conference dinner tickets

Financial Support
There will be some funds available for postgraduate students and young researchers in Malaysia and the Asia-Pacific region. Details will be announced later.

Online Payment method
Details will be announced soon.

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